Amitatsu Info Entries
Gradient color of the sky
This is a view of our houseboat and Od...(Read More)
Summer Fireworks Show
The most popular season for Yakatabune is the fi...(Read More)
Summer BBQ
In addition to meat and vegetables, yo...(Read More)
Private Lunch Cruising
We are pleased to announce that we are now acc...(Read More)
Tokyo Sky Tree Lighting
The lighting of the Tokyo Sky Tree is differen...(Read More)
For Great Summer Experience
From the BBQ Yakatabune you can see this view....(Read More)
World Oceans Day
Today is World Oceans Day. There are many con...(Read More)
Customer's voice
The other day, one of our first-time guests sa...(Read More)
Dinner Cruise Boat
634 Musashi is mainly used for Dinner cruise b...(Read More)
Preparing for Summer
The interior of the BBQ boat is blue, so you c...(Read More)